Notifications don’t work on OnePlus

To enable notifications on OnePlus devices, follow this steps:

On Android 8.0 and 9.0

  1. Open device Settings > Battery > Battery optimisations > Disable optimisations for Sofascore
  2. Open device Settings > Battery > Battery optimisations > 3-dots icon on top > Advanced optimisations > Sleep standby optimisations set to "Disabled"

On Android 7.0 and lower

Aggresive doze

  1. Open device Settings > Battery > Menu > Aggressive doze & App hibernation
  2. Find Sofascore app on the list
  3. Move slider to “Off” to disable aggressive doze for Sofascore app

Auto close high power usage apps

  1. Go back to Battery and the select Menu > High power usage apps
  2. If you can find Sofascore on the list, move slider to “Off” position for “Auto close high power usage apps”

Deep clear

  1. Open device Settings > Advanced > Recent app management
  2. “Normal clear” should be set here (not Deep clear)

Apps auto-launch

  1. Open Settings > Apps > Settings > Apps auto-launch
  2. Move slider to “On” position to enable apps auto-launch
  3. Find Sofascore on the list
  4. Move slider to “On” position to enable auto-launch for Sofascore app