How to delete Sofascore account?

To permanently delete account and all of the related information stored on Sofascore;


  1. Login on with the account you want to delete

  2. Click on the three dots icon in top left corner below the profile picture.

  3. Click on "Delete Profile" option. A confirmation window will appear which will warn you that deleting your account will delete it permanently.


  1. Navigate to "Profile" tab
  2. Tap on "Sign in" at the top of the screen and sign in with the account you want to delete

  3. Tap on "Settings" icon in top right corner

  4. Tap on the "Delete profile" option on the bottom.

    A confirmation window will appear which will warn you that deleting your account will delete it permanently.


  1. Navigate to "Profile" tab
  2. Tap on "Sign in" at the top of the screen and sign with the account you want to delete

  3. Tap on "Settings" icon in top right corner

  4. Tap on "Delete profile" option below the Sign out option

    A confirmation window will appear which will warn you that deleting your account will delete it permanently.

After you complete the steps, all the data is removed immediately. You'll lose all of your favorites, predictions, TV channel and comments stats. There is no retention period whatsoever and the data is non-recoverable once you opt to delete the account.